P+F对射型光电传感器价格好 P+F对射型光电传感器
偏振滤波器 是 光斑直径 approx. 350 mm at a distance of 18 m
发散角 1.1 ° 指示灯/操作键
Retroreflective sensor zui大检测距离 25 m
modulated visible red light , 630 nm
Reference target FE-RR1 reflector
控制器 亮/暗通开关
Polarization filter yes
Indicators/operating means
Light source LEDLight type
on: reflector inside the sensing range
P+F对射型光电传感器价格好 P+F对射型光电传感器
Threshold detection range 25 m
控制器 检测距离调节旋钮
电气特性 工作电压 24 ... 240 V AC
12 ... 240 V DC 输出
输出开关类型 亮/暗通,可转换
off: reflector outside the sensing range
光源类型 LED 光源类型
odulated visible red light , 630 nm
Diameter of the light
spot approx. 350 mm at a distance of 18 m
Angle of divergence 1.1 °
Ambient light limit 5000 Lux ; according EN 60947-5-2